* Our clinic is a point of entry for treatment of car accidents, patients do not require a referral *

* All therapies are directly billed and covered through your insurance claim *

If you’ve ever been in a car accident and experienced pain in your neck, you most likely had whiplash.

Also called a neck sprain or strain, it's an injury to the soft tissues of the neck caused by sudden extension (backward movement of the neck) and flexion (forward movement of the neck).

Severe whiplash can also cause injury to the joints, discs, ligaments, and nerve roots.

The symptoms may appear immediately or several days after the injury:

    • Neck stiffness
    • Headache and dizziness
    • Abnormal sensations such as burning or tingling
    • Shoulder pain

Although whiplash usually only causes damage to the soft tissues of the neck, we may take x-rays to rule out other spinal problems or injuries.