Chiropractic and Massage

Chiropractic and Massage: The Perfect Combo for Optimal Health

About a quarter of Canadians say they experience stress that challenging to their health. Thankfully, both chiropractic and massage therapy may be able to help manage stress and keep your body healthy.

Although chiropractic care and massage therapy sometimes seem to overlap, they’re two different types of care. Each has its benefits and purpose, but when combined they create a powerful effect.

If you’re thinking about seeing a chiropractor or a massage therapist, keep reading to learn more about how these two practices work in tandem.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are doctors who focus on the function of the spine and how it affects the body. They also work to adjust the joints of the body using a small amount of pressure. Doing so keeps the body aligned and functioning properly and can relieve pain.

You may see a chiropractor for help with the following:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Joint inflammation
  • Chronic headaches
  • Sore muscles

A chiropractor sees a variety of patients with many different ailments. For adjustments, they use several tools and techniques, or they may stretch out your muscles. Sometimes they show you stretching practices you can do at home if you’re healing from an injury.

Massage Therapy

While chiropractic care focuses on the joints of the body, massage therapy concentrates on the muscles and tendons. By rubbing or pressing on the muscles and skin, tension is released and pain is diminished.

There are many benefits to regular massages.

  • Promotes relaxation
  • Lessens tension in the muscles
  • Reduces muscle soreness
  • Improves circulation

There are different types of massages, ranging from very basic to deep tissue massage. Your needs will determine what type of massage you should get. But massages are not only for health needs; sometimes you can indulge and just relax!

Chiro and Massage Therapy Together

Even though chiropractic care and massage therapy are two different practices, they can be combined. In doing so, you reap all the benefits above and more.

Massage helps warm up the surrounding tissue in the body, preparing it for adjustments. Preparing the muscles assists the adjustment and may cause the results to last longer. This means you have a better chiropractic session and may feel better from both treatments instead of one.

Here are some additional benefits you may see after chiropractic care combined with massage.

Increased blood flow contributes to better flexibility and mobility in your joints and muscles.

Massage lengthens muscles, meaning they stay in place after being aligned. This means they have less chance of causing you more pain.

If you’re seeing a chiropractor and massage therapist due to injury, your treatment time may decrease with this combination. Giving your body its best chance with chiro care and massage might help you bounce back sooner.

Chiropractor and Massage Therapy Today

Chiropractic and massage therapy is an amazing combination. By relaxing the muscles and adjusting the joints, you’ll feel more relaxed and receive benefits that are unique to you.

Do you want to schedule an appointment for chiropractic and massage therapy? Our team can help. Contact us today to book your appointment.