Chiropractic Car Accidents

How a Chiropractor Can Help You Recover From Car Accident Injuries

Nearly 26,000 people reported suffering a serious injury resulting from a road accident in 2019.

These injuries can result in life-long pain and suffering, especially if a proper rehabilitation regimen isn’t applied as soon as possible. Back, neck, and spinal issues are all common long-term injuries associated with vehicle accidents, as well as deep muscle bruising.

Seeing a chiropractor for car accident-related injuries is one way for you to find relief.

A chiropractor specializes in joint, neck, and back pain. In Alberta all chiropractor treatment is covered by your auto insurance, and a visit is a great way to find deep healing and relaxation.

In the following article, we’ll discuss why you should see a chiropractor for car accident injuries.

What Is Chiropractic Care?

A chiropractor is a doctor that specializes in the treatment of neuromuscular disorders without the use of medication. Instead, they make physical adjustments to your body through their hands and other devices, which helps with proper bone alignment and deep healing of the muscles, joints, and tendons.

Many people turn to a chiropractor to reduce pain, especially when released from the hospital and looking to reclaim their lives again.

Chiropractor for Car Accident Relief

Prescription drugs for pain only mask the deep discomfort you are feeling. For example, after a car accident, you can not only have broken bones but severe dislocations, sprains, and other body traumas.

A chiropractor doesn’t prescribe pain killers. Instead, one of the best reasons to see a chiropractor for car accident injuries is that they will treat your chronic pain through physics, not pills.

The chiropractor attacks the root cause of the pain; they won’t mask it. At first, the relief will be incremental, but the pain and discomfort will subside upon steady treatment.

In most cases, you’ll be able to resume many of your pre-car accident activities. A visit to a chiropractor is one of the least invasive procedures you can undertake.

Furthermore, the natural treatment is different from the side-effect-laden fallout of treating pain with prescriptions and powerful pain killers.

Specific Relief

Chiropractic sessions from the outside may look uncomfortable, this isn’t the case when you are the patient. A trained chiropractor uses his hands and other implements to position and aligns your body properly. Once aligned, your body can heal as it was meant to.

Spinal manipulation is one way a chiropractor can help victims of a car crash. Often the speed, force, and sudden stops of a vehicle accident damage the curvature of the spine. A chiropractor is an expert in placing your spine back into alignment so that it can heal properly and become pain-free.

Another area of relief that a chiropractor specializes in is joint realignment. Joint pain can impact the simplest of your body movements. This can manifest as discomfort from lifting your arm or having to stand up. Joint pain is one of the worst impacts of a car accident and is almost impossible to treat long-term with medication.

A chiropractor can use their hands to make sure that the joint pain is abated by proper alignment. By keeping the joints aligned, the proper ligaments strengthen in the right areas to stem the root cause of the pain.

A chiropractor is a master of muscle manipulation and massage. For example, deep muscle bruising is a common result of violent car accidents. This pain can last for many months. A chiropractor can reach deep into your muscle tissue to ease the pain and relax the muscle. This relaxed state is optimum for deep healing and to speed the reduction of pain.

Whiplash Treatment

You probably have heard the term whiplash thrown about when people speak of injuries resulting from car crashes. Whiplash gets its name from the sudden and violent tossing of the head as your vehicle comes to a sudden stop.

This uncontrollable back and forth or side-to-side motion can damage all the muscle groups that support your head and neck. Some whiplash is so severe that it trickles down into your back.

The chiropractor is trained to reach deep into the damaged muscle tissue and tendons. They then use their techniques to conduct manual therapy. This often takes the shape of stretches and neck muscle relaxation techniques that promote healing and pain reduction.

Sometimes coupled with stabilization, these pain reduction techniques result in a reduction of inflammation and pain over time. Conversely, the patient should see increased mobility as the treatments continue.

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation, as mentioned above, is typically delivered in three ways by a chiropractor. These are flexion-distraction, instrument assisted, and specific manipulation.

The flexion-distraction technique uses manipulation to address herniated or bulging discs. Pain relief is administered through the chiropractor’s hands to the discs in a steady pumping action.

Instrument-assisted manipulation involves using a special hand tool that applies pressure and relief directly to the spine without thrusting. This technique is often used on older patients who have lived with the painful effects of a car crash for an extended period of time. Often these older patients already suffer from some sort of joint pain.

With specific spinal manipulation, the chiropractor stretches the impacted joints with a thrusting motion. This technique is meant to stretch the truncated joint that is restricting movement. As a result, the stretched joint regains its proper size, and the pain recedes.

Other Car Accident Recovery Methods

Another reason is to get a chiropractor’s opinion is to examine your lifestyle choices. Some life choices may be contributing to your general discomfort without you knowing it.

A chiropractor can prescribe the proper exercises and stretches you should use to combat your injuries. Also, a proper diet is important to long-term care, and a chiropractor can take a look at what you are filing your body with to get the most out of healing foods.

Trusted Advice

Every situation is different, and no body is the same. That’s why seeing a chiropractor for a car accident injury is important to start the recovery process.

Once they’ve evaluated your injuries, they can design your office visits and frequency. Also, the chiropractor will put in place your at-home regimens and dietary needs. With these recommendations,  you’ll be on your way to a pain-free recovery.

Are you ready to get started? Contact us today to schedule an appointment.