
When to See a Chiropractor for Back Pain

Are you wondering whether or not it’s necessary to see a chiropractor for back pain? That’s understandable. Quite often back pain is caused by minor, temporary conditions that go away on their own.

Yours, however, might indicate a more serious problem. There are many spine conditions that continue to worsen without professional chiropractic care. These should be treated as soon as possible.

To that point, we’ve written you a complete guide that explains when to see a chiropractor for back pain. This checklist describes several signs that you need chiropractic back adjustments or other chiropractic care for back pain relief. Read through this list and book an appointment with your chiropractor if these situations apply to you.

1. New Pain That Lasts More Than a Week

As mentioned above, your symptoms might be from minor conditions that diminish after a few days. Such conditions include tweaked muscles or simple overuse.

If you suspect these may be causing your symptoms, try some at-home back pain remedies. Topical pain relief creams might help.

If, however, the pain persists or worsens after a week, consult with your local chiropractor. Furthermore, you should see a chiropractor sooner if your symptoms include any of the other points on this list.

The Pain Starts After an Injury or Car Accident

Do not wait to see a chiropractor if your back or neck pain is immediately following a car accident or other injury. You may have serious complications from your injury that need to be treated as soon as possible.

In fact, you should always see a doctor after a car accident or significant injury whether you have symptoms or not. If you wait for symptoms to appear, complications from the injury can cause permanent damage. Often, this damage can be prevented if the injury is treated quickly enough.

Plus, the record of this medical examination is important for legal reasons. That is, you’ll need this evidence in order to take legal action against the at-fault party that injured you.

The Pain Keeps Getting Worse

This goes along with point number one. But it also applies to pain that you have been unwittingly ignoring.

Often, when back pain is bearable, the affected individual ignores it. This can go on for years if you aren’t careful.

So, if you notice that yours is starting to get worse, you’re already overdue for chiropractic care. Get in to see a chiropractor as soon as you can.

The Pain Is Severe

Whether the pain is new or old, severe back pain should not be ignored. Nor should you continue to rely on self-treatment with over-the-counter products. Instead, get professional help from a chiropractor.

Your Range of Motion Is Limited

In addition to back pain, pinched nerves and other conditions can limit your range of motion. For instance, you may find that the pain prevents you from performing certain actions. Examples include:

  • Bending down to tie your shoes or pick something up off the floor
  • Putting your seatbelt on
  • Turning your head/spine to look behind you
  • Straightening your back all the way

While a pinched nerve is not life-threatening, your limited range of motion can be very dangerous. Specifically, it can cause additional injuries as you attempt to go about your daily activities. It can even cause car accidents while you’re driving.

If your limited range of motion is severe or doesn’t get better after a day, see a chiropractor.

There Is Also Pain in Other Areas

If you experience pain in other areas in addition to your back, it might mean that your whole spine is out of alignment. This is especially true if the additional pain is in your neck. In this case, ask your chiropractor about chiropractic back adjustments.

A Prickly Sensation in Your Lower Body

A prickly sensation, numbness, or loss of strength in your lower body is another indication of a pinched nerve. But it could indicate a vast array of other spine health conditions that should not be ignored. See a chiropractor right away to have these symptoms diagnosed.

Home Remedies Are Tiresome or Ineffective

Lastly, it may be that you’re used to treating your back pain with at-home remedies every single day. Obviously, if the condition still exists, these efforts are not working. Professional chiropractic care offers a more effective treatment plan for managing your back pain.

Tell Loved Ones When to See a Chiropractor for Back Pain

Now that you know when to see a chiropractor for back pain, we urge you not to ignore this advice. Please book an appointment with your chiropractor if you’re experiencing these signs. Furthermore, if you have any loved ones who are experiencing back pain, please share this information with them.

We at Glenwood Sport & Spine strive to provide personal, professional, effective chiropractic care. If you need to see a specialist for back pain relief, use the button in the upper right corner of this screen to book an appointment. Or, contact us here with any questions you have.